NYC-based digital marketing consultancy
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– The Essentials
Do you have 5 minutes to tell us some things about you?
No, I’d prefer to chat
About You
To start, just a little bit about you so we can get back in touch.
Zip Code
Business Details
Next, a few details about the business or organization that we’ll be making a website for.
Business/Organization Name
Business/Organization Legal Name (if different)
About the Organization
In a couple of sentences, can you please let us know what products and/or services the organization offers.
Why do you need digital consulting?
Are you starting something new? Improving something old? Let us know what goals or aims you have for this initiative you’ve taken.
Who are your customers?
In an ideal world, who is going to be visiting this site? Try and include an idea of their age, their gender, their income and their technical abilities. This all goes towards what kind of site we’re going to create together.
Marketing Documents
Do you already have a range of branding and/or marketing documents that might help us?
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Do you already have a website?
Even if you’ve only registered the domain name, fill it in here.
Tell us a few words about your online shop
Are you happy with it? Is it brand new? Are there problems that you’ve been encountering consistently?
Who are your main competitors?
We’re talking about both online and in general business, who would you consider to be in a similar industry and/or field? (Use the “+” to add more).
Organization name
Organization website
Extra notes
What are some websites or campaigns that you like the look or feel of?
You might only like one feature, or you might not know what you like except the overall feel. Every little bit helps us ensure that we know who you are. (Use the “+” to add more).
Campaign (or website)
What do you like about it?
Do you also require help with:
Landing pages
Domain names
Website hosting
Email addresses
None of these things
Further notes
If for example you’ve already arranged website hosting, or you know exactly how you like your email addresses; let us know!
How's your social media looking at the moment?
Do you have Facebook setup? Do you Tweet regularly? Every little bit will help your website so we need to be on top of everything.
Do you send emails out to your customer base?
Direct emails are incredibly important to ensuring that your customers know you’re thinking about them. We love to make MailChimp templates and can help you with that if you don’t already have something setup.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
To Google, and beyond!
Have you ever had a website SEO strategy?
What’s SEO?
Ooh great, tell us all about it!
What would someone be searching for on Google to find you?
Put yourself in the shoes of a potential visitor. They’re searching Google.. What did they write into the box? (Use the “+” to add more).
Do you have a deadline or timeframe?
Maybe you have some marketing we need to coincide with or just have a very specific date in mind, fill us in!
Did you have a budget in mind?
We know you want it for the best price possible, but a budget is a very important step for you as much as it is for us.
How did you hear about Fortnight Digital?
This one really helps us… Please!
You told me to come here
I found you on Google (or some other search engine)
I found you on Facebook (or some other social media)
I’m a friend or family of Fortnight Digital
Any final words?
This is your last chance to tell us anything else about you, your business, or your campaign idea. Or if you have a really good story.. Tell us that too!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.